
Curriculum Review

Based on the Decree of The Dean of The Faculty of Communication Universitas Padjadjaran Number: 1692/Un6.K/Kep/Fikom/2023 about Determination of The Equalization of The Semester Credit System (Credits) of The Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Padjadjaran with The European Credit Transfer System (Ects), 1 SKS is equivalent to 1.8 ECTS. To complete the Education in Library and Information Study Programme, students must complete 146 credits or the equivalent of 262,8 ECTS.

The Gantt Chart of Library and Information Study Programme

Curriculum Stucture

The curriculum structure of Library and Information Science Study Programme consists of three categories of courses, namely:

  1. university subjects,
  2. core competency subjects, and
  3. supporting competency courses.

University subjects are a combination of compulsory subjects mandated by higher education regulations in Indonesia and university preparation subjects given to students in all study programs at Universitas Padjadjaran. The core subjects consist of three groups, namely:

  1. Communication science courses,
  2. Library and Information Science subjects, consists of
  3. digital asset management studies, information institutions management and designing digital businesses which are currently needed by all.

Supporting competency subjects consist of subjects related to social knowledge and technology (information technology, culture, and marketing) as well as elective courses. All groups of subjects taught are aimed at the learning outcomes of graduates. The teaching is conducted in face-to-face activities, structured assignments, practicums, seminars, or independent activities.