Based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 257/M/KPT/2017 concerning Names of Study Programs of Higher Education, the Library and Information Science is included as vocational level program. Based on the decree, a graduate of the Bachelor of Library and Information Science Program is to hold the title of S.S.I (Bachelor of Information Science).
The Library and Information Science Study Program are one of the study programs that consistently develop library and information science in Indonesia. In its development, the Library and Information Science Study Program keeps adjusting to changes according to the development of information and communication technology.
Library and Information Science is a science that continues to grow. Library Science deals with information management and service activities, whereas information science is related to information production, information organization, information storing, information retrieval, information dissemination, and utilization of information (Priyanto, 2019). Library and Information Science gives major contributions to other disciplines. This is in accordance with the Constitution Number 43 of 2007 about Libraries which states that the library is a central source of information in building an information society based on information and communication technology. Libraries build Indonesian society by following the development of information and communication technology in Indonesia. The curriculum of Library and Information Science Study Program refer to the national qualification standard agreed by the Department of National Education, Indonesian Association of Library and Information Science Education Institutes (APTIPI), Indonesian Librarian Association (IPI), which covers aspects of attitude, knowledge, general skills, and special skills. The graduates of the study program would have knowledge and skills of information services in memory institutions (libraries, archives, museums, and other information institutions) to manage collective memory and cultural heritage. The other knowledge and skills are to manage collective memory and cultural heritage/museums, and other information institutions) based on the study and analysis of information behavior and to manage collective memory and cultural heritage based on digital technology. The graduates are also able to develop a collaborative network of memory institutions, to collect, process, store, disseminate, and preserve collective memory and cultural heritage. The curriculum enabling graduates to manage collective memory and cultural heritage in the form of data, information, and knowledge as assets of memory institutions. They are able to identify the need for information products and services, and to design, organize, and evaluate information businesses based on digital technology.
Accreditation of the Library and Information Science Study Program received an “A rating” from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) since its initial accreditation. The accreditation of the Library and Information Science Study Program began in 1997, 2000 and has undergone four re-accreditation in 2005, 2011, and 2016. In 2022 the program received the last A rating based according the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) Number 682/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PNB/S/II/2022 (Valid until November 25, 2026).
Trend of Library and Information Science (LIS) New Entrants
Year : 2018/2019 – 2021/2022