Library and Information Science Study Program got visits and book grants from Dr. H. Raichul Amar, M.Pd., on Thursday (03/04/2023). On this occasion, he donated two books entitled Getaran Hati Seniman Peraih Kalpataru, 75 Tahun Dra. Hj. Elris, and a magazine entitled Sang Penakluk: Tim Voli IAIN IB tahun 1974-1976. Dr. H. Raichul Amar, M.Pd, through Library Science and Islamic Information Study Program UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, collaborated with Unpad in 2007. He said the book was a memory for the Library and Information Science Study Program, Fikom Unpad.
To welcome his retirement age, Dr. H. Raichul Amar, M.Pd., began writing the book Getaran Hati Seniman Peraih Kalpataru, which contains testimonials and a collection of memories from colleagues and friends about him. Library and Information Science Lecturer Drs. H. Dian Sinaga, M.Si., and Dr. H. Pawit M. Yusup, M.Si., participated in giving testimony in the book. After being delayed because all the testimonies had not been collected, finally, in 2022, this book was completed and published in conjunction with the 56th Dies Natalis of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang on November 29, 2022.
Together with the publication of the book he wrote, Dr. H. Raichul Amar, M.Pd., is 77 years old. Even though he is not young, he is still active in writing and passionate about creating work. He conveyed that his motivation for writing is because it is a hobby and rewarding, “I think it is fitrah from the Almighty that my hobby is writing. We need to know our talent and embrace it. And so our reward that is not interrupted, if readers read this book, we may get the reward.” He also advised on writing, “If you have an idea, you should write it right away without thinking about editing and other processes. This is so that inspiration and ideas can be immediately poured and not lost during the editing process, “If there is inspiration, just write it first, edit it later. The important thing is to write it first,” he added. (TN)