Controlling and Data Collection of Library Materials (CODA) 2023

The Himaka Community Service Department has carried out a Controlling and Data Collection of Library Materials (CODA) at TBM Pabukon Ngadongeng, Sukasari District, Sumedang Regency, West Java. The event lasted three days, April 1-2 and May 20, 2023. This activity concerns the Department of Community Services by revamping Community Reading Parks (TBM) in West Java. This event is an activity of compiling books in the form of cataloging and classification and the layout of books to assist TBM in meeting the reading needs there.

On the first day, the activity started at 12.00 – 17.00 WIB. It opened with remarks from Mrs. Evi Nursanti Rukmana, M.I.Kom., as the owner of TBM Pabukon Ngadongeng, which was followed by an activity briefing from the Head of the Community Service Department, Asri Nurussaripah. Activities on the first and second days focused on classifying library materials and entering master data into TBM Pabukon Ngadongeng’s SLiMS. In addition, some volunteers worked with three different groups, namely the first group carried out classification and entered new master data, which included 24 collections per person, the second group carried out activities of entering old master data into SLiMS with a coverage of 18 collections per person, and the third group carried out the activity of entering new master data into SLiMS with a coverage of 13 collections per person.

The third day implementing the new CODA was held on May 20, 2023. The activity started at 08.30 WIB by being divided into two groups, namely the first group was tasked with classifying books and entering main data and SLiMS. The second group is in charge of printing and pasting labels and barcodes, with a target of 25 books per person. After all, was done, we arranged books according to their classification.

Members participating in the 2023 CODA activities are Asri Nurussaripah, M. Shafayyan Daniswara, Arroyya Nur Safitri, Shelvi Nur Awaliyah, Faisa Fahrul Rozi, Zaqia Rayhana Zahra, Anne Josephine Wattimena, Annisa Awaliyah, Aunilla Nailalmarom, Ersha Aisyah Putri, Fitri Annisa, Ikhsan Sirojul Wahhaj, Ivy Maura Alifia Pramudyo, Jean Meigrete Rosmini, Khansa Umayyah, Kholifah Talitha, Naresh Aurelia Berliana, Nathania Rahma Yustira, Naufal Ripqi Robbani, Reginawati Silalahi, Widia Lestari, Zukhrufa Aura Madani, and Tika Amalia. (Department of Community Service, Himaka Proaksi Cabinet Fikom Unpad 2023)

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