Visit of Library and Information Science Study Program Universitas Halu Oleo

Library and Information Science study program Fikom Unpad is having a visit from Library and Information Science Fisip Universitas Halu Oleo on Monday (05/06/2023). On that occasion, Dr. Ute Lies Khadijah, S.Sos., M.Si., Head of Library and Information Science Fikom Unpad, discussed with Asrul Jaya, S.Sos, M.Si., Head of Library and Information Science of Halu Oleo University. This meeting has discussed several things, such as the curriculum and its accessibility by students, research and devotion activities, joint lectures, and the possibility of future collaboration and cooperation.

Discussion of the Head of the Library and Information Science Study Program, Fikom Unpad and the Head of the Library and Information Science Study Program, FISIP UHO (Source: Divia Unpad TV)

This meeting was part of a visit by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science (Fisip) Universitas Halu Oleo to Fikom Universitas Padjadjaran. As reported from Divia Unpad TV’s Youtube channel, Deputy Dean of Fisip Universitas Halu Oleo, Prof. Dr. Eka Suaib, stated that the purpose of the visit was to compare the curriculum, quality assurance and others related to academic and tridharma activities. From this visit, it is hoped that a collaboration between Fikom Unpad and Fisip UHO will be established.

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