The Library and Information Science Study Program were having a discussion with the Panel of Experts in the AQAS International Accreditation Visitation series on Thursday (01/06/2023) at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Unpad.
There are six AQAS Panel of Experts in the Visitation series, namely Prof. Dr. Sevda Alankus (Yasar University, Türkiye), Prof. Dr. Anang Sujoko (Brawijaya University, Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Jan Lies (FOM University of Applied Science, Germany), Prof. Dr. Asmadi Mohammed Ghazali (Universiti Technology MARA, Malaysia), Dr. Christine Loetters (Founder and Owner of SCL Strategy Communication Loetters, Germany), and Julien Seid (Student of Communication Sciences at the Universitat Hohenheim, Germany). The representatives of the Library and Information Science Study Program, namely Dr. Ute Lies Siti Khadijah, M.Si., Dr. Agus Rusmana, M.A., Kusnandar, S.Sos, M.Si., Nuning Kurniasih, S.Sos, M. Hum., Saleha Rodiah, S.Sos., M.Sc., and Asep Saeful Rohman, S.Sos. , M.I.Kom., Andri Yanto, S.Sos., M.I.Kom., and Fitri Perdana, S.Sos., M.I.Kom.
Things discussed during the discussion session are the Quality of The Curriculum, Procedures For Quality Assurance, Learning, Teaching and Assessment of Students, Teaching staff, Learning Resources and Student Support, and Public Information. Hopefully, the results of this visitation activity can make the Library and Information Science Study Program recognized internationally and contribute to achieving Unpad’s vision at the international level.